Community Gardens Network Map

Are you looking to get involved in a community garden? With just three simple steps, you’ll be on your way to getting your hands in the soil and growing food. (Need to register a community garden? You can do that here.)

Step 1: Identify the kind of garden you want to be involved in.

We use seven different categories:

  • Allotment – Garden plots are used by individual gardeners, who choose what they want to do with the harvest (e.g., keep, share, donate).

  • Hub Garden – In addition to being allotment gardens, these are gathering places for gardening or cooking classes.

  • Food Pantry Garden – The harvest from these gardens is donated to a food pantry in the community.

  • Private – These gardens are only open to select communities (e.g. residents of an apartment complex or condo).

  • Demonstration – A garden that is used primarily as a site to teach about gardening techniques.

  • School/Community – A community garden located on or near school grounds, both used for educational purposes and offering community plots. (For gardens exclusive to schools, see this page.)

  • Foraging – Fruits and vegetables from these gardens are available for the general public to harvest and enjoy.

Step 2. Find a garden that interests you on our map.

Click on the leaf icons to get more information about a particular garden. (If no leaf icons are showing, click on the square to the left of “2024 CGC Community Gardens Map” and make sure the box next to “#Google Map Community Gardens” is checked.)

Step 3.  Get growing!

Contact the Garden Coordinator listed in the garden’s map information to find out how to get involved.