Recording the Nuances of Your Garden

By Kymisha Montgomery, CGC Urban Agriculture Coordinator

There are so many important factors when gardening: sun, soil, water, seeds, and plants to name a few. There’s another item that’s just as important while gardening, and that is a garden journal. It’s a fun and simple way to keep track of what’s happening around me.

A few ways to use a garden journal:

  • It’s easy to get caught up in the moment while doing something you enjoy, but sometimes I don’t remember every little thing that I thought I would. Yes, I planted garlic…but what was the name of it?

  • Another way I use my journal is to take note of what I’m learning along the season. If I hear new terminology or a variety new to me, I jot it down in my garden journal.

  • I record what worked and what didn’t.

  • I keep track of when visitors—friend or foe—arrived to try and get a head start on my pest management processes for next year.

  • I like to look back and reflect on the weather changes. This could lead me to starting earlier in the year or having more success in my fall garden.

  • If staying on budget is a problem for you, your garden journal is a great place to keep track of spending…especially when the seed catalogs roll out!

  • Your garden journal is a great place to keep recipes when someone shares one with you. Who doesn’t like a new recipe for eggplant?

  • I even take notes when I’m visiting other gardens as inspiration or exciting new ways of growing food sustainably, I could also try.

The great thing about a journal is that it’s personal. A reflection of you. Whatever you want to put in your journal is up to you. It holds your observations and experiences. It could be large or small, have areas to fill in or you can just write freely. However you decide to keep track of the nuances of your garden is your choice!


Holding Space for Urban Agriculture


Before You Put Your Garden to Bed…