Kaela Khan

Program Associate
513-221-0981 ext. 150

As a Program Associate, Kaela works with a number of program areas. She helps organize and plan Treeforestation workdays and discusses big-picture ideas for related projects. In the new CGC propagation program, she helps to determine best practices to ensure the successful growth of native plants. She also handles volunteers, both on our grounds here at CGC and in our community gardens. Kaela has a particular interest in documenting the successes our volunteers have and the projects they help to complete. She believes that volunteers are the key to the success of the mission of the CGC and hopes they take what they learn with them and continue to practice what they learn in their own homes.

Kaela has been a familiar face around CGC since 2019, when she became involved as an intern through a program at her alma mater, Xavier University. It was during this internship that Kaela was able to get hands-on experience both using her degree in environmental science and connecting with the local community. This combination of using the practicum of her degree and building community compelled her to stay on as a dedicated Treeforestation volunteer and occasionally work with the Wednesday morning Dirt Crew. Kaela then took on an internship position at CGC to continue doing work with the Treeforestation projects at both Saint Xavier high school and Walnut Hills high school in a larger capacity. She joined the CGC staff after her graduation in May of 2022.